In the heart of Germany, German values and tradition meet the latest treatment methods using world leading technology. Whether routine check-up or a specific procedure, the University Hospital of Marburg is dedicated to providing the best guidance, consultation, advice and care to every patient. Trust German innovation and precision designed to the highest medical standards and visit one of the largest and most advanced hospitals in Germany.
During your treatment, the magnificent ambience of the high-end Vila Vita Rosenpark Hotel will be a place for you to call home. Tucked away in a picturesque setting, you will enjoy all the comforts on the level of an international 5-star hotel. This includes free use of the hotel‘s own fleet of limousines, the private airport, the hotel‘s horse riding facilities, and our first-class concierge service. A warm welcome awaits you at Vila Vita Rosenpark Hotel, where you will be treated courteously and with respect, assured of the best hospitality with unrivaled service and comfort.